Thursday, October 4, 2012

the comment: sims 2 maternity clothes

sims 2 maternity clothes After writing down several `step' ("one small step..." or "following in the steps of greatness") and `boot' ("these boots were made for walking..." or "put on your sh$t kickers...") styled puns; I have decided that the winner is........ These boots are a giant `steppe' up from anything else I have ever worn! Get it? Steppe! Sorry, I work in Mongolia so I `plague' everyone with `steppe' puns. Yeah I know - not funny.Before I jump into my review, I want to quantify my usage. I am a graduate student working on my PhD in archaeology. I conduct my field research in the middle of nowhere Mongolia. Sadly, I do not get to carry a whip or a gun and I have never had to run from poisonous dart blowing natives. I do, however, direct a substantial survey project in the mountainous northern regions of Mongolia. As part of this project I hike several kilometers each and every day for several months each summer. Needless to say I have gone through my fair share of hiking boots and as such, I feel well qualified to talk to the greatness of the Pamir on at

These boots are super cute and very warm! Very light There is no support for the instep so in spite of the comfy inside my feet were in pain after an hour. I remedied this with added arch inserts. The soles on these boots are soooo thin! After 1 day the soles were evidently worn. I had to remedy this with some added Yaktrax. I swear I would rather pay a little more for a boot I could wear for longer than a few weeks!After adding insoles and Yaktrax I ended forking out an extra $50. I was able to save the boots so I could wear them longer.
the comment: sims 2 maternity clothes
sims 2 maternity clothes Have enjoyed these insoles for about one month. Definitely better than regular ones bought at WalMart (Dr. Scholls). Hopefully durability will be just as pleasing as their support, comfort and workmanship.

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